What is the aim of life? People of various backgrounds and spiritual affiliations answer in some ways when asked this query. Responses vary from connecting purpose to vocation or stating that life is a couple of meaningful and fulfilling line of labor. In contrast, others claim it revolves around doing good deeds, gaining wisdom, or carrying out responsibilities. Then, some say the aim of life lies inside our health and longevity.
Maybe that is why we see infinite messages on love life by looking for passions that bring about happiness or finding some ways to perform certain services that can give platitudes and warm fuzzies. Not to say the excess of recommendation on staying fit and healthy with fad diets backed by scientific results. We all seek ways to live as a seemingly “good person.”
While each of this stuff in and of itself are usually not necessarily bad, they’re focused on feelings and our innate need simply to be enough. Yet, these actions, in case you will, only dish out momentary moments of gratification and only give us a superb life, sometimes. They completely (and sadly) miss the mark on offering us an abundant life crammed with long-lasting and fulfilling hope.
So, what’s the purpose of life? Why are we here? Where did we come from? Is all of it about love, wealth, self-development, wisdom, service, or happiness?
We all find ourselves asking these questions in some unspecified time in the future as we yearn to know this existence and realm of reality. Otherwise, what’s the point?
Thankfully, God knew we’d ponder on this life and ask about our purpose. This is why He gives us answers in regards to the meaning of life in His Word. It addresses things like vocation, service, and our overall health. Yet the general message is one which vastly contradicts the world’s view. As we quickly learn, this life has nothing to do with us but has all the pieces to do with our faithful and loving God!
We Are Not Here by Chance
We must first recognize that we are usually not here by probability; God created the world and all the pieces in it – on purpose (Proverbs 16:4). He had and still has a plan for all the pieces He creates, and it’s greater than just our own lives, it’s about all living creatures as an entire, including sound and evil.
Good vs. Evil
While God created all the pieces for good (1 Timothy 4:4), God’s creatures still decide to go against His will. Satan is the primary cherub to defy God, allowing his inner pride and jealousy to manifest and be his ultimate demise (Ezekial 28).
While it will make sense then that God created Satan, then called Lucifer, it could bring into query why or was good. The answer is somewhat complex, but to start with, this fallen angelic host was included within the “all the pieces” that was created pretty much as good (Romans 11:36, Colossians 1:16-17). After all, being good, holy, and pure, God would only create such things, whether in heaven or on earth, that’s of Himself, originally fashioned as “excellent.”
However, in response to 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 6, Satan leads a charge of angels to defile God. This is where things went grossly fallacious. While many questions may flow into as to why this happened or why an all-knowing God would have created Lucifer in the primary place, we must fall back on the primary point that God has a purpose for all things He creates, including those who entice evil.
God can and can use each good and evil to perform His will. We can take comfort in that. It’s also vital to understand that while we live in a world riddled by evil and sin, God didn’t create moral evil, that’s a person’s or being’s alternative. We have that alternative, too.
This is where trusting God and His ultimate plan and purpose for all times are available in.
God is in Control
Our hope on this lost and fallen world is that regardless of what happens, God is on top of things. That means He holds the past, present, and future. The very nature of our God is omnipresent and omniscient, meaning He might be in every single place directly and is all-knowing. He can break bears of time while appointing a time for all the pieces (Ecclesiastes 3:1).
God is nice and intends to work all things out for good. That means regardless of what. We see this theme intertwined through various stories throughout the Scriptures. When Joseph told his brothers to not be afraid as they meant evil against him, but God meant it for good (Genesis 50:19-22), it shows a gorgeous depiction of the very nature of God. Joseph trusted God with life.
Moses also trusted God. So did Noah and Abraham. Yet, in every story, we see conflict, turmoil, and the torment of sin. There was a scarcity of obedience and trust in God. Moses, a person of integrity considered crucial prophet, trusted his ability (Numbers 20:12). Noah, a person of honor who served the Lord for over 600 years, fell into disgrace (Genesis 9:18-29). Abraham, the “father of religion,” disobeyed God, lacking trust in God’s promise to have a baby, and took matters into his own hands (Genesis 22:9-13). Even still, God turned all of it for good, and a helpful lesson was given to past, present, and future generations.
Adam and Eve, who had no reason to distrust God, still disobeyed Him and ate from the Tree of Knowledge. They selected a plan of wickedness and their plan over God’s, and the implications are dire for everything of humanity. However, their story is our story, because it marks the start of where good meets evil.
These stories have been on repeat for the reason that starting of time. But God was and still is on top of things!
We may not all the time understand or see the behind-the-scenes work that God is doing, but we are able to rest assured and trust that He is on top of things, working all things out for good. It may look messy and wrapped up in sin, but thankfully, we serve a relational God stuffed with mercy, grace, and essential life lessons.
God is Relational
God didn’t create the world because He was tired of nothing to do. He created life to please in and to essentially enjoyment of us (Numbers 14:8)! The goodness of His creation is all a mirrored image of His nature and starts with a fundamental truth that God is love (1 John 4:16). Due to His great love for us and His nurturing nature, our God is intimate and desires to be an element of our lives.
God wants us to know Him personally and to find the trail to a righteous and whole life. A life that shouldn’t be merely good but abundant and wealthy in His love. He wants us to provide up our lives and walk in obedience, offering us the best way, Truth, and energy (John 14:6 and Matthew 6:33).
Love is the universal theme and heartbeat of the gospel. Because of God’s great love, He gave us His only Son in order that we are able to have everlasting life. John 3:16 is the core of our faith and brings into light the aim for this life. Jesus is an expression of God’s indescribable and profoundly profound love for the whole world that gives a direct pathway to Him!
Did you catch that? God offers us a pathway on this life through Jesus! Due to His unfailing love, He gives us a solution to our everlasting destiny, all by looking for a relationship with Jesus and abiding in His love.
So, Why Are You Here?
By now, lets say the aim of this life as a faithful believer can be to comprehend we weren’t created by probability and that because there’s good and evil, we’ve the alternative to honor God and trust Him with our lives. It also gives us great comfort knowing that God is on top of things and offers a life beyond this one.
Yet, that also doesn’t answer the query of, “Why me?” or “Why am I here, and what’s my purpose?”
Is our purpose to be joyful with God and to glorify Him? Yes! Is it our purpose to trust Him and obey Him? Yes! Is our purpose to walk within the ways of Jesus – yes, and yes!! That is the core (and heart) of where our love for God and the sacrifice of Jesus meets our purpose.
Christianity flips the script on this life and our purpose since it calls for us to forged our “self” aside and place God front and center.
When we try this, we discover that the true meaning of life is about recognizing that our whole identity have to be a mirrored image of Christ. It is about loving and seeing others the best way Christ does. It’s about serving others with a grateful heart, as Christ modeled. It’s about valuing people and meeting them where they’re with mercy and style, as Christ has shown us. It’s walking in the best way Christ did.
We are here to like and lead others to Christ! That is our purpose, and that’s the purpose of life for a believer! Praise be to God for our Lord Jesus Christ!
Photo Credit: © Unsplash/Paul Skorupska