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Friday, March 7, 2025

In praise of ‘bus stop theology’

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What lessons can Christians learn from a London rail employee honoured by King Charles for talking 29 people out of taking their very own lives?

Maybe something concerning the power of conversation and being willing to ‘stop for a chat’.

Rizwan Javed, who works for the Elizabeth Line at its Ealing Broadway station, helped to avoid wasting each life over a period of eight years by being alert and approaching vulnerable individuals in difficult situations. He was awarded an MBE within the New Year Honours.

Rizwan was alert, and willing to interact people in conversation. Training from charity The Samaritans, who work to make sure fewer people die by suicide, played a key role.

Anglican priest Jemima Prasadam’s kind of talking with people has been described as ‘bus stop theology’. She put it into motion on the half-mile walk from her home to the church in Lozells, an inner-city area of West Birmingham, with high unemployment and poverty.

Her engaging approach is featured in ‘Stick with Love’, a recently-published book by Arun Arora, Bishop of Kirkstall in northern England.

In an interview, she explained: “I do not exit seeking to seek advice from people, but I’m able to do it. I do not pass anybody without saying ‘Hello’ and after I leave, I all the time say ‘God bless you.’ Meetings occur on a each day basis, but often only last so long as it takes for the bus to reach.

“There isn’t any set pattern: it’s spontaneous. People are perhaps reading a newspaper. I ask is there anything good and they sometimes come out with something. Some persons are very British and reserved, but most persons are prepared to speak.

“They often say they should not religious, but I say we’re all spiritual beings they usually agree. So I simply tell them that weak and easy people like me call that God.”

Chaplains in schools, hospitals, shopping centres, football clubs and diverse other places spend much of their timing talking and listening. It’s a significant way of helping and, if people wish, opening up conversations about faith.

But we reside in a society where conversations are being closed down. People who might need chatted on the bus or train, at the moment are deeply involved with their mobile phones. Social media often provokes arguments and conflict reasonably than real engagement and conversation.

Supermarkets are phasing out staffed checkout points, in order that elderly people and others who live alone are deprived of those conversations that could make a difference to their day.

Christian doctor Richard Pile believes that loneliness can have a significant impact on people’s health. In a Tedx talk, given in St Albans last yr, he spelled out the health risks of isolation and suggested that doctors check for signs of loneliness once they assess patients.

Jesus asked questions – and responded to the answers – as a significant component of his earthly ministry. His deep conversation with the Samaritan woman on the well in John 4 begins with him asking for a drink. His post-resurrection dialogue with the disciples walking to Emmaus in Luke 24 springs from Jesus asking them a matter.

A key a part of the success of the Alpha Course over a few years comes from the way it encourages people to speak, to ask questions and interact in meaningful conversations.

Maybe we, as Christians and churches, have to be looking for more possibilities to begin conversations, to provide people the chance to open up about their lives. ‘Drop in’ groups for older people, toddler groups for isolated parents or carers, walking groups that anyone could join are just a few ideas.

In our busy, rushing-around world, there are various people on the market who are only eager for a chat.

Rev Peter Crumpler is a Church of England minister in St Albans, Herts, UK and a former communications director with the CofE.

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