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What Does the Bible Say about Ethical Non-Monogamy?

Ethical non-monogamy has been growing in popularity over the course of the past few years. Ethical non-monogamy is the assumption that a married couple can have an open relationship.

In other words, ethical non-monogamy teaches that a married man and a married woman can date other people freely without consequence.

Since each members consent to seeing other people while remaining married, they view it as “ethical.” Even though the world teaches this as “ethical,” what does the Bible say about ethical non-monogamy?

The Problems of Ethical Non-Monogamy

I only recently heard concerning the recent rebellion of ethical non-monogamy through a podcast. Prior to listening to this podcast, I used to be unaware of how severe this issue has grow to be.

The concept that a married couple can have boyfriends and girlfriends without it being seen as cheating or adultery is unfathomable.

While I’m not married myself, it still caused irritation and anger to rise in my heart that anyone would think ethical non-monogamy is okay. Not to say the incontrovertible fact that there’s nothing to warrant it as being ethical despite it being labeled as “ethical” non-monogamy.

While they claim it is moral within the sense that each partners consent to one another seeing other people, there’s nothing ethical about it. In a way, it is similar as polyamory.

The world might see ethical non-monogamy and polyamory as okay; nevertheless, it will not be biblical, and it is going to cause many problems for the couple.

Even though each partners consent to seeing other people doesn’t mean God consents to it. God created marriage to be between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24).

Anything outside of this goes against God’s design for marriage. Marriage is an attractive thing God created. However, just like other things, mankind has broken it and made it into something it’s not. It will not be biblical neither is it okay to take part in ethical non-monogamy.

If an individual accepts this fashion of considering and promotes it, they’re standing up for adultery and sin. An individual can call it whatever they need; nevertheless, if a married man is spending time together with his “girlfriend” as a substitute of his wife, it’s adultery.

The same goes for the wife as neither of them is faithful to one another. To be honest, it’s also hard to imagine neither of the consenting parties would grow jealous of their spouse’s “other woman” or “other man.”

In realistic terms, a minimum of considered one of them would grow jealous or envious of their husband’s or wife’s boyfriend or girlfriend. As it’s with jealousy, it will possibly make you do terrible things.

What Does God Say?

As believers, we want to have a look at ethical non-monogamy from a biblical perspective. It has already been established that ethical non-monogamy goes against God’s design for marriage. God says that marriage should only be between one man and one woman (Matthew 19:4-5).

Anything outside of this goes against what God says and it is going to end in problems. While we shouldn’t have anything within the Bible that talks concerning the exact term “ethical non-monogamy,” we will see that Scripture doesn’t approve of it.

Non-monogamy is closely related to polygamy. The only difference between ethical non-monogamy and polygamy is that the previous doesn’t marry each of their partners, whereas the latter does.

With ethical non-monogamy, the person is simply married to at least one person, yet has many partners. However, with polygamy, the person or woman is married to multiple people.

The Church of the Latter-Day Saints is most well-known for practicing polygamy as Utah is considered one of the one states in America where it’s legal to practice polygamy. Even though polygamy is legal in Utah doesn’t mean this is suitable either.

While polygamy has been outlawed in most states, ethical non-monogamy will not be outlawed neither is it banned anywhere in a legal sense. Even though it will not be condemned by the world doesn’t mean it’s permissible by God.

From a biblical and ethical viewpoint, there’s nothing biblical, ethical, or praiseworthy concerning ethical non-monogamy, polyamory, or polygamy.

Polygamy is practiced within the Bible by many men; nevertheless, nowhere does God approve of this practice. Just because something happened within the Bible doesn’t mean that God approves of it.

Take for example the matter of Solomon. Solomon was King David’s son and the ruler of Israel after his father passed away. At first, Solomon was a faithful follower of God, yet his many wives led him astray (1 Kings 11:1-13).

Solomon’s many foreign wives led him to follow after their very own gods, thus turning away from the One True God. Solomon’s many wives and concubines did nothing but harm him and cause trouble in his walk with the Lord. In the top, Solomon’s foreign wives caused his downfall.

From this one instance within the Bible, we see that having multiple wives or multiple partners will not be biblical or ethical. Not only this, but we also see that it caused Solomon to show away from the Lord and follow after false gods. It is similar today.

If an individual is married to their spouse and so they are seeing one other boyfriend or girlfriend, it is simply going to impair their relationship with their spouse in addition to with God.

For a Christian to practice ethical non-monogamy is unheard of since it goes directly against God’s design for marriage.

For unbelievers who practice ethical non-monogamy, things will worsen for them as well. They might think they’re “getting the perfect of each worlds,” when in fact their marriage is falling apart.

To say that being with multiple partners when you are married will make your marriage “stronger” is insane. Being with multiple partners and even just one partner along with your spouse is adultery.

What Do We Do as Christians?

As Christians, we don’t must practice ethical non-monogamy. If you’ve practiced it up to now or are presently practicing it, it’s time to stop, repent, apologize, and switch away from the sin.

Even for those who and your spouse have already consented to this arrangement, realize it will not be biblical within the slightest sense.

Since it will not be biblical, Christians don’t must practice it, nor should we recommend it. If someone who’s practicing ethical non-monogamy, attempt to talk with them about it. Be open to listening and don’t be mean; nevertheless, also share what the Bible says concerning the matter.

Granted, it is likely to be that the person who’s practicing ethical non-monogamy will not be a Christian, which is able to make it harder for them to see the authority of Scripture. In this case, still, attempt to talk with them about it, point them to what God says, and pray for them.

Don’t underestimate the ability of prayer. Prayer is considered one of the most important blessings we’ve got as Christians because we will talk with God about anything and present our must Him.

God doesn’t approve of ethical non-monogamy; due to this fact, we will trust that He will help us point them to the reality of the Bible and cause them to repentance.

Therefore, the Bible doesn’t approve of ethical non-monogamy. Even though the world accepts ethical non-monogamy doesn’t mean it’s correct.

Christians need to pay attention to ethical non-monogamy with the intention to have the opportunity to assist point others away from this lifestyle and help them come to know the reality of what the Bible says.

Taking the time to speak with the individuals practicing ethical non-monogamy doesn’t mean that they’ll accept what you say or stop practicing it.

As believers, we will pray and discuss with those that are open to hearing what God says about marriage in addition to the issues that may come consequently of ethical non-monogamy.

God created marriage; due to this fact, we all know what He says about it’s the proper method to practice it, which is between one man and one woman — not an open relationship after one gets married.

For further reading:

Why Is Polygamy Allowed within the Bible?

Is it True ‘What God Has Joined Let No One Separate’?

What Did Jesus Mean by ‘Two Become One’ in Mark 10:8

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Nadtochiy

Vivian Bricker loves Jesus, studying the Word of God, and helping others of their walk with Christ. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master’s degree in Christian Ministry with a deep academic emphasis in theology. Her favorite things to do are spending time together with her family and friends, reading, and spending time outside. When she will not be writing, she is embarking on other adventures.

Related Podcast Resource: 5 Ways to C.O.V.E.R. Your Marriage in Prayer

One of an important things you may do on your marriage is to hope on your marriage. Learning communication skills, conflict resolution techniques and intimacy hacks are great. However, for those who’re leaving your marriage uncovered by failing to hope on your spouse and your marriage, it is going to all the time be vulnerable to attacks. Prayer is a vital guiding tool to get you and your spouse on the identical page and create unity in your marriage. In this episode of Real Relationship Talk, Dana Che shares her acronym C.O.V.E.R., which teaches you how one can specifically pray on your marriage. To listen, just click the play button below:

The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the speakers and don’t necessarily reflect the views or positions of Salem Web Network and Salem Media Group.

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