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Saturday, June 29, 2024

the mental health battle of Euro 2024

Over the following few weeks the nation collectively holds its breath, crossing fingers and with hearts willing Gareth Southgate’s boys to victory. As the song goes, after so many ‘years of hurt’, is it really coming home? Dare we imagine that England could win a trophy this time?

The pitches in Germany will develop into a battleground where legends are born, and history is written. In 1966 the England team, eternally etched in our memories, lifted the World Cup and Bobby Moore became an icon. Their triumph echoes through time, celebrated and revered in our national history. Yet, for each victor, there are those that missed the mark – those years of hurt and the penalty takers whose names became synonymous with heartache.

Who of us will ever forget those moments where England to a person and woman exclaimed “Noooo!”? Lampard, Rashford, Saka, and maybe most memorably, Southgate himself. The misses are stuff of legend and TV adverts alike.

They can have Three Lions on their chest, however it takes a heart of a lion to step up and tackle the pressure of a penalty and all that comes with it, rating or miss. And for individuals who do miss, the mental scars endure, a reminder that defeat could be as defining as victory.

The reality is that beyond the roar of the gang lies a quieter struggle – one which can shape careers and lives. I mean the mental toll of major championships, the pressure an expectant nation places on the shoulders of those young men and ladies, and the necessity to make sure that players get the assistance and support they should address such a herculean challenge.

Both Rashford and Saka spoke of the tirade of racist abuse they received after the defeat on penalties. Chris Waddle confessed that to at the present time he cannot watch replays of his miss. Elite athletes sacrifice greater than sweat and stamina. They carry the burden of expectations, dreams and fears. When the ultimate whistle blows, they face not only the scoreboard but additionally their very own demons. Enter the sports chaplain – a silent companion who listens, prays and offers solace. They understand that athletes are greater than their performance; they’re human beings navigating a high-stakes arena. It is for moments like this that a gaggle of volunteers called sports chaplains exist.

Sports Chaplaincy UK stands on the intersection of religion and sport. From club matches to elite competitions, our chaplains provide a secure space – a sanctuary where players, staff and supporters can share their burdens, victories and vulnerabilities. They don’t make headlines, but their impact is profound. At the Olympics, they stood alongside athletes, offering greater than medals – a lifeline of hope.

Defeat could be brutal. It gnaws at reputations, chips away at confidence, and leaves scars unseen. The missed penalties haunt players long after the stadium lights dim. But sports chaplains are there, quietly and privately, helping them navigate the emotional aftermath. They remind athletes that resilience is not only about winning; it’s about rising after a fall.

Sports Chaplaincy UK was established in 1991. Our vision was to pioneer sports chaplaincy and sports ministry, recognising the unique needs of athletes, coaches, and staff beyond the scoreboard. Since then, we have now grown into a significant force, providing consistent and high-quality chaplaincy across various sports. Our team of volunteers at the moment are commonplace in lots of sports, including men’s, women’s, all-ability, mixed-ability, and disability sports. Our network spans grassroots clubs to global competitions.

During major events like Euros 2024 or the Olympics, our chaplains support behind the scenes. They have a good time victories and console after defeats. Their work is confidential, not driven by kudos or fandom, but by the compassion of Christ. We want the 30 million men, women, and kids engaged in the neighborhood of sport to be cared for inside a community they love, from an individual they trust.

We all want England – and let’s not forget our friends in Scotland – to triumph, but we mustn’t neglect the journey nor its toll – the late-night training sessions, the sacrifices, the sheer determination and the strain of representing a rustic so eager to win. So because the players step onto the sector, let’s applaud their effort, resilience and sheer courage. Whether they lift the trophy or face defeat, they’re a part of a legacy – a testament to the human spirit. Come on England!

Warren Evans is the CEO of Sports Chaplaincy. To discover more, visit https://sportschaplaincy.org.uk/

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