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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Simple Ways to Elevate God and Unlock Joy in Your Everyday Life

“He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all of your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your strength and with all of your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ “- Luke 10:27

Some of you is likely to be sufficiently old to recollect the plate spinners on the old Ed Sullivan Show and even on the circus. Plate spinning is a circus act during which an individual spins plates, bowls, or other mostly flat objects on long, thin poles. Of course, the thought was to maintain the plates spinning and never allow them to fall lest they break. Of course, the more plates that were spinning, the more the guy continually ran around keeping all of them going.

So a lot of us today live like plate-spinners. We have a lot occurring that we’re continually busy running around to get all of it done and might’t give attention to only one and even two. 

Others of us are so focused on certain particular things that demand all our attention – and we gladly give it. Obsession is available in many forms, a few of which we don’t even recognize as what it’s – imprisonment. Work, materialism, education, athletics, fitness, “hobbies”, beauty, drugs alcohol, sex. Each one in all these can grow to be such a singular obsession.

Let’s face it—everyone has priorities. It is commonly said that one need only take a look at one’s calendar and checkbook to find out where one’s priorities have been set. We all be certain to rearrange our schedules and our budgets in response to the perceived importance of our priorities. Of course, there are such a lot of competing forces pulling at our time that it’s often hard to “find time” for God. 

So, we must each ask ourselves – where does God fit into my life? Is he one in all the plates I’m spinning? Or, perhaps he just form of slipped in on Sundays because…well, because that’s what is predicted. My job, my family, my hobbies – after which, church, if I’m not too drained or doing something else. Church gets form of lumped in or bypassed entirely, doesn’t it? 

But the thing is – God doesn’t wish to be lumped in. He desires to be first priority in your life. 

When Jesus was asked, “What is the best commandment within the Law?” He replied, “Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and with all of your soul and with all of your mind.” (Matthew 22:37)

So, an excellent fundamental query to ask yourself is: Do you like the Lord that way?

Building a Foundation for Living a Life that Prioritizes God

Whatever the explanations, too often, we live with the incorrect things at the middle of our lives. We allow earthly success, admiration of others, identity in our work, a picture of perfection, or whatever…to be what drives us. Ultimately, though, living for the things of this world will only bring exhaustion, disappointment, and unfulfilled longings. We find yourself living for the “if only” and the “someday when.” 

As He neared the tip of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus offered this parable about where and the way we ought to construct a foundation for our lives:

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is sort of a sensible man who built his house on the rock. The rain got here down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, yet it didn’t fall since it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and doesn’t put them into practice is sort of a silly man who built his house on sand. The rain got here down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a terrific crash.” (Matthew 7:24-27)

Human desires are limitless, ever-expanding voids. One could have “all the pieces” on the planet and still be miserable—still wanting more, unable to seek out peace and joy. When the storms come, we’ll find that the inspiration of our lives is built on sand. When God is our source of joy, then we’re truly content, even when now we have nothing on this world.

Putting God first signifies that He—and only He—sits on the throne of our lives. Anything else—like money, jobs, possessions…and even our families—is a type of idolatry. God must be the principal figure in our lives. He is central to all we predict and do. In other words, we’re totally dedicated to our relationship with him.

At one other point throughout the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught that we ought not to fret about life here—to not be overly concerned about what we’ll eat, drink, or wear. He taught that life is excess of the things we own and the way we live—that this life is temporary, and the Lord knows what we’d like here. 

“So don’t worry, saying, ‘What lets eat?’ or ‘What lets drink?’ or ‘What lets wear?’ For the pagans run in any case these items, and your heavenly Father knows that you just need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these items will likely be given to you as well. Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” –Matthew 6:31-34

“Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.” We are to hunt the things of God – not the things of the world. We are to hunt first the salvation of Christ and the dominion of God – which is of far greater value than anything this world has to supply.

C.S. Lewis famously said, “Aim at Heaven, and also you’ll get Earth ‘thrown in’; aim at Earth, and you’ll get neither.”

Prioritizing a Sabbath in Sanctifying Faith

As parents, we set the principles and guidelines for our youngsters because we all know what’s best for them. It isn’t any different with the Lord. He has set commands for us and given us guidelines because he knows what’s best for us. We hear a lot concerning the Sabbath – especially in reference to the fourth commandment. “Remember the Sabbath day, to maintain it holy.” (Exodus 20:8). Despite the reality that we are not any longer under the Law but under grace (Romans 6:14), many believers still hold that there stays a directive that we “must attend church and must not work.” While that discussion is for one more time – I do consider the Sabbath was given to us for a reason – for our own good. It wasn’t only a commandment to be a “do that; don’t do this:” rule. 

We all need rest. We all need a breather – even when we don’t think we do. Nothing robs the peace and joy from a Christian life greater than constant busyness. That busyness could also be veiled in “church work” or many other things, however it stays busyness nonetheless. Oh sure, we may complain about how busy we’re – and we glance to our vacation as “finally some peace” – but how often can we walk right back into the identical world and it looks like we never left? In fact, we’d like a vacation from our vacation. 

Jesus taught that He is the Lord of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8). He and his disciples often “broke the principles” of the Sabbath—after they needed rest and nourishment, for instance, or when Jesus took time to heal. Even after six days, the Creator of all things “rested” on the seventh day for example for us all. 

We, too, need rest from this world. We find that rest in Jesus Christ – who’s the Sabbath rest that God has provided for us all. 

Fundamental Questions to Grow in Your Faith

Each of us – even those that consider themselves devout disciples of Jesus – must occasionally re-evaluate where we’re with our lives. Certainly, there are a couple of essential questions we are able to ask ourselves. 

  • Where are we spending our time? Are we spending enough time with the Lord to grow closer to Him?
  • If we claim to not have enough time…what’s getting our attention that we could quit? 
  • Are you friends with the world – or with Jesus? Do you long for what the world offers or what a relationship with Him offers?
  • What sits on the thrones of your life? If you don’t know…ask the Lord to indicate you. Ask Him to remove anything but Himself from that throne. (Better be prepared…)
  • What do you stand for? What are your convictions? If your faith is just not first, then perhaps it’s essential re-evaluate.
  • Where are you in search of peace and joy? In work, vacation, hobbies, or the Lord?
  • Where do you spend more time—watching TV, playing video games, using social media, or praying and reading your Bible?
  • What do you desire most—what the world offers or what Jesus offers? Which one do you give essentially the most effort to?

If, at the tip of this, you discover that God is just not the highest priority of your life, then it could be time to seek out your way back. Are you unsure if you ought to accomplish that, but really desire to…well, desire to? Then ask Him to assist you make Him the foremost priority in your life.

With hundreds of individuals often crowding around Him, Jesus was never in a rush. He was never too busy to heal or teach, to drag his disciples aside and easily be together, or to wish to the Father. 

How long has it been because you gave yourself fully to God? Let him really have all of you?

In his Gospel, Luke tells us that “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” (3:16). In fact, Jesus often spent regular time with God – praying and listening. Mark says,  “Very early within the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the home, and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” (1:35)

So tell me, if the Son of God – the Creator of all things – the savior of all mankind – thought it meaningful and vital enough to suit time into his schedule to wish to the Father, wouldn’t we be sensible to do the identical?

Photo Credit: ©Pexels/Katii Bishop

Greg Grandchamp is the creator of “In Pursuit of Truth, A Journey Begins” — an easy-to-read search that answers to commonest questions on Jesus Christ. Was he real? Who did he claim to be? What did he teach? Greg is an on a regular basis guy on the identical journey as everyone else — in pursuit of truth. You can reach Greg by email [email protected]  and on Facebook

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