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Sunday, October 6, 2024

4 Daily Rhythms That Will Help You Experience God

While the activities we do periodically (similar to once a month or twice a 12 months) may be good for us, it’s our each day habits that make us who we’re and provides our life rhythm. We often call these each day routines “spiritual disciplines.”

To give us inspiration to develop some helpful routines, let’s have a look at Joshua. This book is great to read due to its amazing stories and since it gives us a peek into the character of Jesus (each names mean “the Lord saves” in numerous languages). The book of Joshua also teaches us how one can live a victorious and courageous life.

In Joshua 3, God’s people had just left the wilderness and were heading toward the Promised Land. However, something was in the way in which: the Jordan River. Thankfully, God not only had a plan for the way they’d cross the river, but in addition how they’d prepare.

We read in verses 1-6 that after the Israelites arrived on the coast of the Jordan, they arrange camp and rested for 3 days. Why did they rest for therefore long? Well, in the event you think a road trip in a automotive along with your kids is hard, imagine mountain climbing for five miles with greater than 3 million people (plus their animals and each possession they own)! They rested to reset from the journey they simply finished and to prepare for one ahead.

Then Joshua (an incredible shepherd-leader) sent his officers throughout the camp to clarify God’s plan. One vital detail was that everybody would want to remain back a half mile from the ark of the covenant. The ark was the big, iconic box carried on poles by priests that held three artifacts to remind people of God’s power: the Ten Commandments, Aaron’s rod that budded, and a few manna. The ark also gave them a special connection to the presence and guidance of God. They had to remain up to now back so the group of individuals could see it in front and follow it.

After everyone received their instructions, Joshua told them in verse 5 to “consecrate” themselves, which meant to scrub up, get focused, and prepare. This jogs my memory of how my highschool football coach would tell us to “get our mind right” before the sport. This normally involved listening to music, getting our equipment together, and fascinated with our playbook. By the time my cleats hit the sphere, I used to be psyched up and able to go. That is what God wanted for his people, too.

Next, Joshua called his troops together and gave his final pep talk in verse 11 to “come here and hearken to the words of the LORD your God.”  Joshua didn’t tell them how it might occur, but he promised that God was going to “without fail” work powerfully and provides them the land he had promised.

Then they set out.

As soon because the priests’ feet hit the water, the river parted and “stood and rose up in a heap very distant” (verse 16) to permit those thousands and thousands of individuals to walk through on dry ground. It would have been amazing to behold the miraculous work of God at that moment. Just as he promised, this was a transparent sign for everybody that God was alive, present, trustworthy, and powerful. If God could part the waters, he could defeat their enemies!

After taking the time to rest well, consecrate themselves, receive instructions, and follow the presence of God, they were poised to experience the working of God. Considering this passage, we are able to learn 4 routines to begin doing on daily basis to be able to experience the working of God in our own lives as well.

1. Rest well.

Many persons are so “plugged in,” stressed by work and coping with unhealthy habits that they do hardly sleep well at night. But to be fully awake, aware, and lively through the day, we’ve got to develop a rhythm of excellent rest.

2. Consecrate yourself.

Consecrating yourself involves the “Pray First” principle. In the morning, before you rise up, grab your phone, watch the news, make coffee, or whatever you do: pray. In that short prayer, thank God for the day, ask for his direction, and submit yourself to his will. You don’t have to wish long, but pray first.

3. Receive instructions.

While God speaks to us in a wide range of ways (similar to through songs, experiences, and other people), the primary way that we are able to hear God speak and receive his instructions is thru reading his spoken and written Word. Reading the Bible is an indispensable each day rhythm for Christians.

4. Follow God.

Following God signifies that we take what we read within the Bible and put it into practice. It signifies that we follow the Holy Spirit’s prompting after asking for wisdom to make the fitting decision. It means we do as Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 to “seek first the dominion of God and his righteousness.” Attending a worship service and Small Group once per week is essential, too, however the rhythm of following God should be each day.

These 4 routines of resting, consecrating, receiving, and following will lead us to experience God more fully in our lives. I do know this because God is already working. We just don’t all the time have our spiritual eyes open to acknowledge his hand at work.

As we reflect on these truths, let’s ask ourselves these tough questions:

  • What do we want to stop doing to rest higher at night?
  • How can we remind ourselves to consecrate ourselves and pray first to begin every day?
  • Where within the Bible do we want to begin reading to receive God’s instructions?
  • What distractions do we want to eliminate to listen to God’s voice and follow him more closely?

As you place these each day rhythms into practice, write down ways you see God working and share them with one other believer in Christ.

Photo Credit: ©Pexels/Jean-Daniel Francoeur

Robert Hampshire is a pastor, teacher, author, and leader. He has been married to Rebecca since 2008 and has three children, Brooklyn, Bryson, and Abram. Robert attended North Greenville University in South Carolina for his undergraduate and Liberty University in Virginia for his Masters. He has served in a wide range of roles as a worship pastor, youth pastor, family pastor, church planter, and now Pastor of Worship and Discipleship at Cheraw First Baptist Church in South Carolina. He furthers his ministry through his blog site, Faithful Thinking, and his YouTube channel. His life goal is to serve God and His Church by reaching the lost with the gospel, making devoted disciples, equipping and empowering others to go further of their faith and calling, and leading a culture of multiplication for the glory of God. Find out more about him here.

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