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This recent Mexican blessed is taken into account a protector of life from conception. Who was Moisés Lira?

Mexico’s Catholic Church is getting a recent addition to its ranks of “blessed,” with the beatification of the Rev. Moisés Lira.

The beatification ceremony was taking Saturday at Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Basilica, led by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, who was appointed by Pope Francis for the occasion.

Before Lira, the newest Mexican to be beatified was María Concepción Cabrera in 2019.

Here’s a have a look at Lira’s life in a rustic that’s home to almost 100 million Catholics.

Who was Moisés Lira?

He was born in September 1893 in Puebla, considered one of Mexico’s most conservative states.

His mother died when he was 5 and he suffered the absence of his father, who needed to relocate for work.

Lira dreamt of becoming a priest from a young age. In 1914, he became the primary novice of a congregation founded by French priest Félix de Jesús Rougier. And in 1922, after being ordained a priest, he wrote the motto that will define his life: “It is needed to be very small to be an important saint.”

Lira devoted his life to show catechists, take care of the sick and offer spiritual guidance to vulnerable communities. In 1934, he founded a congregation — the Missionaries of Charity of Mary Immaculate — in addition to schools and psychiatric institutions.

He died in Mexico City in 1950.

What is the miracle attributed to him?

According to Mother María de la Luz Nava, from the congregation founded by Lira, the miracle took place between May and June 2004.

Back then, a pregnant woman from Guanajuato — one other of Mexico’s conservative states — got the worst news conceivable: at 18 weeks of gestation, her unborn daughter suffered from a condition characterised by accumulation of fluid.

The diagnosis, the doctor said, could possibly be fatal for the fetus or affect the mother. And though he offered to terminate the pregnancy, the girl and her husband refused.

“There wasn’t much hope,” Mother María de la Luz said. “But they were very clear about one thing: they weren’t going to go for abortion. They were going to proceed in search of options in order that their daughter could be born well.”

Back home, the girl found a brochure on the Rev. Lira’s work. “I don’t know you,” she told him. “But please, help me.”

For nine days, she prayed. And when a recent doctor’s appointment got here, a surprise awaited.

“What did you do?” the doctor asked the couple. “Because your daughter is healthy.”

“This is where the intercession of Father Moisés may be very evident,” said Mother María de la Luz. “And it shows how a miracle is produced by faith.”

De la Luz’s congregation learned concerning the case in 2014. The beatification request was made through the local diocese the next 12 months and eight years passed until Pope Francis issued a decree for the miracle in 2023.

What causes could be entrusted to Lira?

According to the Rev. David Padrón, who has worked on causes for canonization, the miracle attributed to Lira makes him a protector of life from conception.

“This is a really strong message from God,” Padrón said. “Maybe those moms who’ve an issue during their pregnancies can confide in him.”

Aside from that, he said, parishioners could also entrust him with health and education causes, because Lira worked extensively with sick people and students.

“Much of his pastoral work dignified those that, as a consequence of illness, poverty or another situation, didn’t enjoy a dignified life in society,” Padrón said.

What’s next?

Catholic leaders trust that a second miracle could be produced after Saturday’s beatification, which might allow them to pursue Lira’s canonization.

In the meantime, local parishes will honor him each June 15. “We have included him as a part of the saints of the Archdiocese of Mexico, hoping that, when he’s canonized, he could be celebrated throughout the world,” Padrón said.

Lira’s most treasured relic is a metacarpal bone from his right hand. It’s symbolic, Padrón said, because Lira shared the Gospel through his writings and it’s a part of the pointing finger.

“The blessed and the saints are men and girls who point us to Christ,” he said.

Just a few first-class relics — body parts of Lira — will probably be soon distributed through parishes that were significant in his life or for Mexico’s Catholic community, corresponding to Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Basilica and Puebla’s cathedral.


Associated Press religion coverage receives support through the AP’s collaboration with The Conversation US, with funding from Lilly Endowment Inc. The AP is solely chargeable for this content.

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