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An ex-gay on how Christians can engage effectively with the LBGT query

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“When it involves children and sexuality, we’re in World War 3.” James Parker brought this warning to a hybrid (in person and online) conference based in a London church on Monday January 6.

Gay conversion therapy bans

Himself a former gay activist, James warned that the Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Act passed in Victoria State in Australia in 2021 can be used as a foundation for introducing similar laws all over the world.

In a crackdown more akin to a Marxist approach of silencing any dissenting view, the laws makes it a criminal offence to assist anyone move towards heterosexuality or suggest it’s ‘normal’ or affirm their biological sex; to suggest embracing chastity or offer Biblical insight on sexual mores.

James noted that many institutions all over the world have been influenced by a only a few individuals with very loud voices arguing that it’s a human right to precise and practice same-sex orientation and behavior, and against the law to suppress it.

Loving the lost into the Kingdom

Our self-perceived sexuality is formed through our emotional responses to our surroundings. To those that have embraced a gay identity, James stresses that the query to pose is ‘Do you wish/need more loving?’, and to steer them thus to Jesus, the Great Lover, and his mercy, grace and forgiveness.

For James, individuals who have felt unloved must feel loved. Christians are called to cooperate with God’s Spirit here, and realise they can’t walk alongside such individuals unless they realise they too have missed the mark – i.e. sinned – and are broken. Don’t all of us need a Saviour and on a each day basis?

Local church leaders were encouraged to welcome and look after the LGBTQ while not approving their behaviour. In this context, the wonderful work of Living Waters, which equips and resources the church, was promoted.

Bridge-building is vital. James presently speaks to (and prays with) lesbian activists, as an illustration, and partners with Gays Against Groomers to guard children. James appreciates process, sees the person first and appreciates what number of are victims of all sorts, including of kid sexual abuse (as was he).

Those ‘committed SS relationships’

James goes where few will go, and says the unsayable about ‘committed SS relationships’. While along with his perfect boyfriend, Steve, he had 200 or so other sexual partners. Steve is now dead, as are just about all his other gay mates from his past. Though there are perhaps many completely satisfied exceptions, ‘faithfulness’ will not be routinely exclusive (i.e. monogamous), yet most heterosexuals have little idea such is the case. 

War on children

James showed the alarming clip from the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir: ‘We’ll Convert Your Children’: think Blitzkrieg. The track goes on to say, ‘We’ll convert your kids, happens little by little, quietly and subtly, and you may barely notice it … We’ll make them tolerant and fair’.

Many Christian entities appear blissfully ignorant, apathetic or complacent concerning the pan sexual revolution impacting children marinated in all things LGBTQ. Sometimes it’s a case of DADT (Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell). Sadly, the church is commonly detest to have interaction in these minefields, and prefers to take a position in ‘secure’, politically-correct topics when not ‘preaching the Gospel’.

However, on this case, silence will not be golden but culpable.

Aslan on the move

James gave encouraging example after example of ex-LGBTQ groups and networks across the globe. They are comprised of people who’ve modified and are continuing to vary for the higher. Some are capable of marry and have their very own children, resembling James.

Perhaps essentially the most encouraging thing James said was how God is speaking on to gay individuals and dealing of their lives, quite other than any human involvement. HE is searching for and saving the lost, moving them out of often tragic, dark lifestyles and into far happier, holier, healthier ones. Aslan is on the move!

Wake up call

Parents were urged to look at school sex education programmes, which continuously groom children to have interaction in high risk sex ‘once they feel ready’. Those promoting the gay agenda seek to influence children to consider that each one types of sexual behaviour are equal in value. This is a component of an attack on the fundamental identity of humanity, the image of God in two genders brought together in marriage, in preparation for the wedding supper of the Lamb.

Questions from participants were raised and addressed throughout the four-hour conference which has been recorded. Participants were urged to encourage Christian leaders to recognise the elemental clash with a biblical view of life posed by the gay activists, but that in addition they had, within the love and mercy of God within the gospel and the community of the local church, the means to bring healing from the consequences of unhealthy aspects during people’s childhood and adolescence.

Dangerous place

Albert Einstein’s insight involves mind when it comes to each the GCT bans and youngsters’s welfare: ‘The world is a dangerous place to live; not due to people who find themselves evil, but due to individuals who don’t do anything about it.’

Dr Lisa Nolland is CEO of the Marriage, Sex and Culture Group, London.

More by Dr Lisa Nolland: 

Going, Going, Gone? LGBTQ and young people

Why I couldn’t attend a same-sex wedding

The Church of England and LGBTQ part 2: how can we actually help?

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