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The Inspiring Lyrics of the Hymn “In Heavenly Love Abiding”

When I first heard of the hymn, “In Heavenly Love Abiding,” I assumed of 1 Corinthians 13, and particularly the last verse of this chapter which states, “Now abide faith, hope and love, these three; but the best of those is love” (NKJV). Why is love the best? Because faith and hope are needed only as we walk through life’s journey. But love abides now and thru eternity. God is love!  

Who Wrote “In Heavenly Love Abiding?” 

It’s interesting to have a look at the family dynamics of Anna Laetitia Waring, creator of “In Heavenly Love Abiding,” and learn what influenced her life. Her father, Elijah Waring (1788-1857), and his brother, Samuel Miller Waring (1792-1827), were the sons of an Englishman named Jeremiah Waring. Anna was born right into a family of published authors. 

Elijah was a Quaker and later became a Wesleyan Methodist preacher. He was also an creator and a broadcast memoirist. His brother, Samuel, also a Quaker, is referred to as a hymn author, publishing the gathering Sacred Melodies in 1826. One of his hymns is, “Now to Him Who Loved Us, Gave Us.” Later, he converted to The Church of England, which, in turn, can have influenced Anna. 

Anna Laetitia was born to Deborah Price and Elijah Waring in Neith, Glamorganshire, Southern Wales. Most resources give her date of birth as April 19, 1823, but some sources list the yr as 1820. Anna embraced the Quaker lifestyle but was converted or baptized into the Church of England in 1842. 

One of the remarkable facets of Anna’s life is her mastery of Hebrew as a young child. Throughout her life, she read and studied the Hebrew Psalter every day. It would have given her a deeper understanding of the context and meaning of the Scriptures. It is from this wealth of information and research that she pulled from to jot down her poetry. 

There is little information regarding her life, and he or she has no record of marriage or children. Anna was a frequent visitor to prisoners in Bristol, England. She was known for her work with the Discharged Prisoners’ Aid Society. She passed away on May 10, 1910, at Clifton, near Bristol. 

What are the Lyrics to “In Heavenly Love Abiding?” 

In the book Then Sings My Soul: 150 of the World’s Greatest Hymn Stories, Robert J. Morgan writes that Anna called this hymn “Safety in God.” The lyrics reveal an inspiring faith in God’s steadfast love.

1) In heavenly love abiding,
 no change my heart shall fear;
 and secure is such confiding,
 for nothing changes here:
 the storm may roar without me,
 my heart may low be laid;
 but God is round about me,
 and may I be dismayed?

2) Wherever he may guide me,
 no want shall turn me back;
 my Shepherd is beside me,
 and nothing can I lack:
 his wisdom ever waketh,
 his sight isn’t dim,
 he knows the best way he taketh,
 and I’ll walk with him.

3) Green pastures are before me,
 which yet I even have not seen;
 vivid skies will soon be o’er me,
 where darkest clouds have been;
 my hope I cannot measure,
 my path to life is free;
 my Saviour has my treasure,
and he’ll walk with m

What Did Annie Laetitia Waring Write Besides “In Heavenly Love Abiding?” 

Anna wrote Hymns and Meditations which was published in 1850. The compilation of 19 hymns is obtainable for purchase today. It was well-received and a fourth edition was published in 1854. In 1863, the book grew to thirty-eight hymns with the tenth edition. 

Anna Waring’s further works include Additional Hymns, published in 1858. Days of Remembrance followed in 1886. The Sunday Magazine also published her hymns around 1871. 

According to Hymnary.org and Hymn Time, the next are a few of Anna’s most sung hymns: 

Some music composers who set Anna’s hymns to music were Charles Steggall in1890, Uzziah Christopher Burnap in 1895, and Henry Walford Davies in 1923. The music for “In Heavenly Love Abiding” was written by David Jenkins in 1898. The tune is “Penlan.”

Does “In Heavenly Love Abiding” Quote Any Bible Verses? 

Many hymnals today place a Scripture verse under the hymn title. We could attribute John 15:9 to “In Heavenly Love Abiding.” Jesus said, “As the Father loved Me, I even have loved you; abide in My love.” By His grace, His love is continuous and constant. 

Another verse is the one mentioned within the opening paragraph, 1 Corinthians 13:13. However, knowing that Anna Waring loved to read the Hebrew Psalter, let’s take a look at a number of the Psalms that debate the topic of abiding in His love and the remainder present in living in His presence. 

The first stanza mentions the word heart twice. The heart is the middle of emotions. The heart won’t fear, and it won’t be brought low. Why? Because “God is round about me.” Abiding in God’s love means trusting Him. 

Psalm 131:1-3 speaks to the contentment, security, and peace present in trusting the Lord.  

Psalm 125:1 states that “Those who trust within the Lord are like Mount Zion, which can’t be moved, but abides perpetually.” 

Psalm 16:8 says, “I even have set the LORD all the time before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.” What an attractive verse about abiding. Then, in verse eleven, we read, “You will show me the trail of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” 

In the second stanza, notice the reference to “My Shepherd is beside me,” a reference to Psalm 23:1 which says, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” The verse talks about His guidance and provision—”nothing can I lack.”  

Then, there may be the reference to wisdom which is all the time available to us in Christ. The fear of the Lord is the start of wisdom. Then Waring brings to our attention that God has a plan, and the alternative is made to walk with Him. 

In the ultimate stanza, the phrase green pastures takes us back to Psalm 23:2. Beauty and hope are present in the lines. Read the words slowly. Do you see the author seeking to the long run and the hope of everlasting life? And identical to the last line of the second verse, there may be the reassurance that irrespective of what, “He will walk with me.” 

Additional Psalms to contemplate are Psalm 31 and Psalm 46, and within the New Testament, related passages include First Peter 1:3 and Matthew 6:19-20, 22:37.

What Can “In Heavenly Love Abiding” Teach Us Today? 

The world was very different for Christ followers in 1850 when Anna Waring wrote this beloved hymn. Nevertheless, the words she penned are only as meaningful and applicable today because they’re based on the Scriptures. 

The focus of God’s love is at the foundation of this hymn. In addition to the Scripture passages mentioned previously, let’s take a look at the text in Ephesians 3:14-21. The Apostle Paul prayed for his readers to grasp and grasp the width, length, depth, and height of Christ’s love. It’s beyond our comprehension. As believers in Christ, we rest in and are guided by His love. Take a moment to return through the stanzas and circle the words or phrases where the creator refers to like. 

The word abiding has a wealthy meaning after we examine it further as well. To provide you with a greater understanding, read 4 Simple Ways to Understand and Apply the Command to Abide. Look deeper into John 15 and 1 John chapters 1-5. Not only are we to abide in God’s love, but we’re to let His truth abide in us and keep His commandments. Anna wrote, “I’ll walk with him (verse 2), and he’ll walk with me (verse 3). That is abiding! 

Whether you’re listening, singing, or studying the words to “In Heavenly Love Abiding,” you’ll be able to’t help but marvel at Anna’s ability to pen timeless words that concentrate on God and His character. May the words to this hymn encourage you today and maybe encourage you to suggest it on your church’s worship service.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Creativeye99

Laura Lee Leathers is a author and speaker. Imagine Lois Lane, over sixty-five, and living on a farm. Her metropolis is the world of freelance writing. Her primary love interest is the Word of God. She digs for information, interviews fascinating people, offers a cup of biblical hospitalit-tea, encourages, and helps others with the ‘how-to’s’ of life. To enroll for her newsletter, connect together with her at http://lauraleeleathers.com – – – “Helping You Flourish in Faith & Finish Well by His Word”

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