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What Is the Difference between the Rapture and the Second Coming?

This is one among the largest misconceptions I hear with prophecy. The Rapture and the Second Coming are sometimes confused, but they’re two distinct events on God’s prophecy timeline.

First, the Rapture is when Christ comes back and takes every Christian that continues to be on this earth and resurrects all of those that have died and takes them to heaven with Him. Paul is talking in regards to the Rapture in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 where he writes: “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who’re alive and remain shall be caught up along with them within the clouds to fulfill the Lord within the air. And thus we will all the time be with the Lord.”

The Rapture is God’s protection of His saints from the Tribulation—the seven years of judgment that can then be poured out on earth. There are some who argue the Tribulation period will begin before the Rapture. However, the Bible says that “there may be subsequently now no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1), and I think the Church is not going to experience the judgment that God has planned for that point. 

Finally, at the tip of the seven years, the Bible says Jesus comes back. This is His Second Coming. This time He involves earth not as a humble child but because the powerful and glorious King of the universe, surrounded by all of His saints. He will gain victory at Armageddon and establish His kingdom on earth.

In short, listed here are some succinct differences to recollect in regards to the two events:

At the Rapture, Jesus comes for His saints. At the Second Coming He comes with His saints. 

At the Rapture Jesus doesn’t come all of the technique to earth. At the Second Coming, His feet touch down on the Mount of Olives and He will reign on earth. 

At the Rapture, Jesus comes with a blessing for His saints. At the Second Coming He brings judgment for individuals who have rejected Him. 

The Rapture can occur at any moment, but we all know the Second Coming happens seven years later.

Want more? Find answers to 10 more questions you’ve all the time wondered in regards to the End Times, in Dr. Jeremiah’s free article download.

FREE Related Resource: The Sound Reasoning Podcast brings the reality often learned in seminary right down to the pews of the local church. Listen to all of our episodes on LifeAudio.com. To hear an episode straight away, just click the play button below:

(*Image Credit:©Thinkstock/homeworks255)

*Published 3/28/2018

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