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7 Ways to Stand Strong in a Spiritual Battle

Have you ever taken the time to check your weapons for warfare? In the book of Ephesians, we’ve got been given a step-by-step strategic blueprint of the right way to fight the enemy after we embark upon a spiritual battle.

Anytime soldiers are gearing as much as go to war, the captain in charge goes over the battle plan before engaging the enemy at hand. As Christians, we’ve got been enlisted in a fight. And our weapons of warfare should not carnal – they’re spiritual. Second Corinthians 10:3-4 reminds us, 

“For though we walk within the flesh, we should not waging war in line with the flesh. For our weapons of our warfare should not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.” 

The battles we face in life can take many forms. They generally is a battle against fleshly desires, a battle of martial struggles, a battle with wayward or lost children, a battle of lack of funds, sickness, or disease, or a spiritual battle where it seems like all hell is breaking loose in your life. 

Nevertheless, we should not alone within the battle. We have the Almighty God with us, who’s the Captain of any warfare we face. He has laid out the battle plan for us in scripture, and for a moment, I would like us to take a more in-depth take a look at the armor that has been given to us to face strong against the strategies of Satan and the flesh. 

7 Ways to Stand Strong in a Spiritual Battle

1. Put in your belt of truth.

Arm yourself with the reality and integrity. If your belt is loose, it’s time to tighten it up. In other words, if it’s loose with lies, tighten it up. If it’s loose with hidden secrets, tighten it up. If it’s loose with slander, tighten it up. If it’s loose with gossip, tighten it up. The enemy will use these strategies against you to attempt to kill your witness or destroy relationships. Remember, the thief involves steal, kill, and destroy. So, take time to placed on your belt of truth and fasten it tight in these evil days. Ephesians 6:14 says, 

“Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth.”

2. Put on Your Breastplate of Righteousness.

Guard your heart. Proverbs 4:23 instructs, 

“Above all else, guard your heart, for all the pieces you do flows from it.”

The problems with life stem from the guts. So, if you happen to’re scuffling with sin, it stems from the guts. I are inclined to say, “God is big on the guts.” Allow the Holy Spirit to make it easier to safeguard your heart. Living righteously protects your heart and steadies your stance.

3. Put on Your Shoes of Peace.

Many nations at the moment are at war, and more are calling for it. It’s chaotic. Many shout and protest within the streets, “We want peace!” In life, we encounter wars, each natural and spiritual. In hard times, we long for peace within the midst of turmoil. If life is just a little chaotic for you straight away, I would like to encourage you to read and remember the gospel message. It will bring you peace as you stand in battle.  

4. Hold up Your Shield of Faith.

Trusting within the Lord is faith. Jeremiah 17:7-8 encourages, 

“Blessed are those that trust within the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water.” 

Stand strong just like the strongest tree. Don’t waver. Don’t bend. Stand your ground and intercept Satan’s fiery darts of doubt, shame, despair, and hopelessness by protecting yourself with faith. 

5. Put on Your Helmet of Salvation.

If you may have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, placed on the mind of Christ. Remember that you just are saved. You are a baby of God. You are a Kingdom warrior who has the victory over sin and death. Don’t ever forget that. Stand your ground and hold your position. 

6. Take the Sword of the Spirit

Whenever you might be in a battle, the word of God might be your biggest weapon against the enemy and the trials before you. Also, take note that we wrestle not against flesh and blood. So, speak the word over yourself. Speak the word over your loved ones. Speak the word over your financial situation. Speak the word over your nation. When Satan tempted Jesus, He said, “It is written.” The enemy had no other alternative but to flee. Stand together with your Sword raised up!

7. Pray.

Prayer is a weapon against Satan’s schemes and techniques. Pray to the One who can change things in your life. God is up. He doesn’t sleep nor slumber. He is at all times watching and waiting for his warriors to come back to him for help and plan an attack against the enemy. So, pray as you stand in battle. I would like to echo the words of the apostle Paul present in Ephesians 6:13, 

“Therefore, placed on every bit of God’s armor so that you will give you the chance to withstand the enemy within the time of evil. Then after the battle you’ll still be standing firm.”  

Photo Credit: Photo© Pexels/Andre Furtado/Image created using DALL.E 2024  AI technology and subsequently edited and reviewed by our editorial team.

Courtnaye RichardCourtnaye Richard is the founding father of Inside Out with Courtnaye, a ministry that helps women grow in Christ, character, and calling. She is an writer and sought-out speaker. Her speaking appearances include She Speaks, Hope*Writers Tuesday Teaching, Christian Parenting Conference, and Entrusted Women’s Conference. In addition, her blog and podcast, Inside Out with Courtnaye reaches 1000’s of ladies across the globe! She can also be the founding father of the faith-based marketing and mentorship agency, Inside Out Media Group, LLC, where she’s worked with platforms equivalent to PBS, CBN, TCT Networks, and Yahoo. Connect together with her at www.courtnayerichard.com or on Instagram @insideoutwithcourtnaye.

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