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Friday, March 14, 2025

Can the Church of England afford same-sex blessings?

(Photo: Church of England)

The General Synod meeting in York next month is being overshadowed by revelations of the dire financial state of a lot of the Church of England’s 42 dioceses.

The staggering picture of the C of E’s financial decline within the Diocesan Finances Review Update, circulated to Synod members ahead of their July meeting, comes because the C of E’s bishops seek approval for his or her plan to permit standalone services of blessing for same-sex couples to go ahead on an experimental basis.

The latest proposals from the bishops, announced on June 20, are “designed to assist hold the Church together amid deep disagreements over questions of sexuality”.

After Synod voted to approve services of blessing for same-sex couples in February 2023, the introduction of standalone services where couples could have dedicated celebrations in C of E parish churches has been delayed by legal arguments.

Vicars have been allowed to make use of the blessings in regular services since December 2023. But church lawyers have told the bishops that the standalone services require a two-thirds majority vote in Synod for everlasting approval because they’d represent a change within the Church’s current teaching on sexual morality.

The latest document circulated to Synod members, ‘Moving forward as one Church’, recommends allowing individual incumbents to make use of the standalone services at their discretion for “an intentional period of discernment of at the very least three years” from 2025.

But because the bishops attempt to get the standalone blessings launched, the Diocesan Finances Review Update, signed by Carl Hughes, chairman of the Archbishops’ Council Finance Committee, and Joanna Woolcock, director of finance transformation, National Church Institutions, reveals that C of E dioceses at the moment are facing “underlying aggregate deficits” of greater than £60 million per yr.

“Most dioceses at the moment are in a structural deficit position with 30 dioceses reporting underlying operating deficits in 2022, and 35 expecting to report a deficit in 2023 and beyond,” the paper reveals.

The paper quotes the 2022 Parish Finance Statistics which state that parish incomes are down by 14% in real terms from before the Covid pandemic struck, and that “the number of normal givers has fallen from 538,000 in 2015 to 480,000 in 2019 and just over 400,000 today”.

Parish share, the voluntary contribution paid by C of E parish churches to their dioceses, is down by 9%, closer to 30% in real terms, on pre-pandemic levels.

Summary graphs appended to the paper reveal “a deteriorating picture with aggregate diocesan deficits of £29m in 2022, expected to greater than double to £62m in 2024”.

The paper reveals: “The variety of dioceses in deficit is increasing, with 18 in deficit in 2019 and at the very least 35 expecting to be in deficit in 2024. Declining attendance (by at the very least 25% since 2015) has driven an actual terms reduction in parish share in all mainland dioceses, with a major mismatch between parish share collected and the fee of resourcing ministry and mission.

“Half of dioceses face some short-term liquidity risk with 23 holding lower than 3 months’ money reserves, 13 of which shouldn’t have any easily available investment assets to liquidate.”

The Church Commissioners, which have assets of £10.4 billion, would need to step in if a C of E diocese were to go bankrupt. But bailing out dioceses could impact on the Strategic Development Funding which the Church Commissioners are providing for church growth projects in dioceses.

This month the C of E announced that £60 million of Church Commissioners’ money is to be awarded to 3 dioceses, Blackburn, Southwark and London, “for long-term programmes of transformation including parish renewals, children and youth work and outreach to low-income areas”.

Carl Hughes, along with his other high-level C of E voluntary roles, chairs the Strategic Mission and Ministry Investment Board which approved the grants. He said they’d fund “very significant long run programmes, working in partnership with the dioceses and the Board to be sure that parish churches from all traditions are renewed and revitalised of their mission to share the excellent news of the Gospel.”

Hughes, a former chairman of City of London accounting firm, Deloitte UK, is a member of the Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC), which opposes the services of same-sex blessing.

In November last yr CEEC launched its Ephesian Fund to “enable people in churches across the dioceses to proceed to support orthodox Anglican ministry when in good conscience they could otherwise withdraw or reduce their giving to their parish church because of this of their bishop’s support for the Prayers of Love and Faith initiative”.

With the dire financial picture presented in his paper, Hughes might well be wondering whether the Church can afford the deeply divisive same-sex blessings which its bishops are so determined to bring forward.

Julian Mann is a former Church of England vicar, now an evangelical journalist based in Lancashire.

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