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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Voting as a discipline

(Photo: Getty/iStock)

‘Discipline’ is a word which for a lot of evokes physical revulsion. In our age of emancipation lots of us expect to be entirely unrestrained by the impositions of institutions, organisations or individuals. There is an implied order and responsibility to discipline which causes a few of us to baulk and walk away. The gripe over discipline is that it’s just too very like exertions (I visualise others in my life shaking their heads at such a notion as there’s nothing they love greater than to roll up their sleeves and get one other job done).

The recent unstable nature of politics within the UK is due partly to a shift in atmosphere which stemmed from frustration around centre ground politics not effecting positive change, resulting in a move to the far left (Corbyn’s Labour) and much right politics (from Johnson’s Government to the current). This is representative of trends in politics within the Western world.

When it involves elections it truly does take a dogged determination to discern what information we will use to vote when sifting through the candidates, the party manifestos, and the inevitable mudslinging of those trying to achieve an unfair advantage. Since I joined CARE in 2013 we’ve got gone to the polls in: 2014 for a European Election; 2014 for the Independence Referendum; 2015 for a General Election; 2016 for the Brexit Referendum; 2016 for a Scottish Parliamentary Election; 2017 for a snap General Election; 2017 for local elections; 2019 for the UK’s final European Election; 2019 one other snap General Election; 2021 for a Scottish Parliamentary Election; and 2022 for local elections.

That’s eleven times to the polls in a decade for those of us north of the border. And it is not much less for everybody else within the UK. And soon we’re asked to solid our vote once more which is able to require discipline to muster up being bothered. That is very the case in case you consider that your vote has made little to no difference in the general final result during this time. Or perhaps your enthusiasm is sapped by the undeniable fact that there appears to be nobody you suspect you’ll be able to have slightly hope for in voting.

But let’s think a bit more concerning the concept of discipline for a minute. When we’re asked to hope for rulers and people in authority, normally that takes discipline. It doesn’t appear self-evident. I do it because Paul implores me to achieve this as a follower of Jesus. I do it because I trust that as I act on his Spirit-inspired words I act like slightly Jesus on this world. It’s an act which brings me into alignment with how He wishes me to live on the planet.

No one at any stage of following Jesus can rest easy. Such is the work that should be done to change into more like Jesus. Our lives require rewiring. The whole self needs a thoroughgoing renovation!

So in terms of our will and motivation, discipline ought to be an inherently positive term for the follower of Jesus. For living our lives in line with His pattern and desire is true and good. In fact, it’s the only technique to be fully human in any respect! But it doesn’t come naturally. And if we’re out of form in doing good (Galatians 6:10) it may be very difficult indeed! That’s why the apostle describes such discipline with a boxer in training analogy: ‘nor do I box as if beating the air,but I punish my body and enslave it, in order that after proclaiming to others I actually shouldn’t be disqualified(1 Corinthians 9:26b-27).

It takes real effort to live on this world. Oftentimes we’d like to push ourselves to do what we ought with a view to be in keeping with the Holy Spirit. Come General Election time, such a moment will present itself. Let us see the chance to get out and vote as one in every of those moments to steward the earth well. After all, the mandate to take care of it’s stays applicable today (see Genesis 9). So can we on the very least resolve to stand up out of our comfortable seat and solid our tackle what should occur this General Election? Abraham Lincoln once said that “He has a right to criticize, who has a heart to assist.” So fairly than being armchair critics with no concrete motion attached, can we get ourselves to the polls with some information to work with? And even when we’d like to pull ourselves through those school doors and pick up a small pencil to mark up a sheet, let’s rouse ourselves to achieve this. Discipline is required this General Election.

Find a variety of resources to show you how to think, act, and pray before you solid your vote at CARE’s dedicated election website: engaGE24

Stuart Weir is Head of CARE for Scotland. 

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