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How Can I Unlock the Power of Saving Grace in My Life?

In the book of Acts, we read multiple examples of people that were full of God’s grace and who did amazing things. People like Stephen, who “performed great wonders and signs among the many people” (Acts 6:8, NIV). Filled with faith and beauty, he preached to those that desired to kill him and prayed for the Lord to forgive them as they stoned him to death (Acts 7:2-60).  

The apostles also were full of grace. As they lived together in unity, sharing what they’d so nobody could be in need, they continued to inform others concerning the resurrection of Christ (Acts 4:33). They were in a position to spread the gospel and live in peace with other believers due to the enablement of the Holy Spirit. 

We might wonder how we will unlock the facility of grace in our lives after reading these accounts in Acts. Is such growth and faith only possible for “superior” Christians just like the apostles or the primary Christian martyr? We might secretly think: “God used them, but He couldn’t use me. I’m too unusual.”  

That is precisely how others saw those men and ladies within the early church: unusual. Christ took on a regular basis fishermen and set them on a mission, giving them the facility to talk the gospel boldly and to indicate signs and wonders to others (Acts 4:8-12, 29-31). He uses what the world says is unusual to perform His extraordinary purposes.   

For being full of faith and beauty has nothing to do with our ambitions or acts of striving. The power of saving grace only comes after we receive it, knowing that we could never do anything to earn such a present.   

Jesus: The One who gives Grace Upon Grace 

Treasured family recipes have specific instructions to follow, and keepsake boxes have special ways of being opened. We can easily unlock these connections to the past by following the steps prescribed or locating the important thing. However, salvation doesn’t work this manner. There aren’t any secret recipes or keys that can open the door to everlasting life. People have tried prior to now to pry their way in by following manmade mandates to earn salvation, but such efforts haven’t any salvific power.  

So, how can we receive saving grace? 

Scripture tells us that grace and truth got here through the Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:17). From Jesus, God within the flesh, comes the gift of salvation. As John describes, “from his fullness we’ve got all received, grace upon grace” (John 1:16, ESV). Grace overflows within the lives of Christians.  

This doesn’t mean that believers are more special or lovable than others. Salvation has nothing to do with who we’re or what we do. Instead, believers have a latest life in Christ because they placed faith in what Jesus did.  

Let us not assume, though, that the saving grace that God gives us is affordable. God gives grace freely and extravagantly, but that gift was costly to Him. We were bought with the dear blood of Christ, who died in our place on the cross, bearing our punishment so we could receive forgiveness of sins and everlasting life (1 Peter 1:18-19). Only His sacrificial death could save us because He is the sinless Son of God. However, His death was not the top. At the resurrection, Christ abolished the facility of sin and death (2 Timothy 1:9-10). The powerful saving grace we trust in relies on a blood-stained cross and an empty tomb.    

Those who consider have been blessed with the Lord’s saving grace, not due to works or deeds, but due to what Jesus did for us. We shouldn’t have to look for a listing of steps or a hidden key to unlock this gift. Every believer has the presence of His grace in his or her life.  

Grace and Power: The Empowering Presence of The Holy Spirit 

The Lord’s grace doesn’t stop with salvation. He wants us to walk in holiness and spread the gospel to others like a glowing flame passing from one candle to the following. To accomplish this, He blessed us with the gift of the Holy Spirit.  

In the examples of the early Christians in Acts, the facility of grace of their lives was connected to the working of the Holy Spirit. He is the One who gave Peter the boldness to evangelise the Pentecost sermon and to testify before the rulers and elders about Jesus’ resurrection (see Acts 2:14-41 and 4:8-12). Luke, the writer of Acts, also describes how the apostles and other Christians were full of the Holy Spirit and with grace (Acts 4:31, 33).  

Likewise, Stephen was referred to as a person of religion, filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:5). If we read the passage, we notice that the apostles specifically wanted individuals who had evidence of the Holy Spirit working in them (Acts 6:2-4). Stephen was chosen to function a deacon due to the fruit that was seen in his life because of this of the Spirit, not due to his temperament or personality. The apostles and Stephen show us what it looks like when God works through the lives of people who love and trust Him.  

The Bible tells us that every of us is given grace as Christ apportioned, which many commentators consider corresponds to the gift of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:7; Ephesians 4:7). In these verses, then, the grace given isn’t a reference to salvation, but to the enabling power of the Holy Spirit who gives us spiritual gifts. He works in and thru us to perform His purposes. 

All believers receive the Holy Spirit once they place faith in Jesus, and the Spirit’s indwelling is everlasting. However, being full of the Spirit only occurs after we walk in obedience to Him (Galatians 5:16). Scripture tells us to not fill ourselves with incorrect things, like alcohol to the purpose of drunkenness, but to be full of the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). A one that doesn’t faithfully follow the Bible is not going to experience a filling of the Spirit, the grace or enablement of His power in his or her life.  

Let us walk within the Spirit, not the flesh, and experience the grace of being empowered by the Lord to live in godliness and obedience.  

Growing in Grace 

The riches of grace that God gave us at salvation won’t ever dwindle or disappear. In fact, the more we reflect on the death and resurrection of Christ, the more we’ll appreciate the spiritual wealth our Lord has given us (2 Corinthians 8:9). Instead of decreasing, grace is ever abounding.  

Based on the Bible, we will grow on this grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). God doesn’t intend for us to remain stagnant within the Christian life, remaining an infant in faith, though some do. Our Lord wants us to grow up in the religion and increasingly look more like Him (Romans 8:29; 2 Corinthians 3:18). We achieve this by investing in our relationship with Him and reflecting on the grace He has given. 

We usually are not those ultimately chargeable for our spiritual growth, as that’s the work of God through us (Galatians 5:22-23). Yet, like being full of the Spirit, we must seek to be faithful in following the Lord to grow in His grace. We abide in Him. In turn, He produces spiritual fruit in our lives (John 15:4). 

What Does This Mean? 

Individuals cannot and don’t manufacture the facility of grace of their lives through effort or specific steps. We would don’t have anything of value to supply others if it weren’t for Jesus. He is the One who saved us, washed us from the dirtiness of sin, and clothed us in righteousness with the novelty of life. He graciously gave us His Spirit to indwell us as a Helper, empowering us to work for His glory so many more will hear the gospel and grow to be disciples. 

Placing faith in Christ and growing in our relationship with Him – that’s when the facility of God’s grace is unleashed in our lives. Like the disciples within the early church, we’ll find ourselves wanting to follow Him faithfully, serve Him devotedly, and love others sacrificially with hearts overflowing with grace.    

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Delmaine Donson

Sophia Bricker is a author. Her mission is to assist others grow of their relationship with Jesus through thoughtful articles, devotionals, and stories. She accomplished a BA and MA in Christian ministry, which included extensive study of the Bible and theology, and an MFA in creative writing. You can follow her blog about her story, faith, and creativity at The Cross, a Pen, and a Page.

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