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Friday, March 14, 2025

5 Ways to Own Your Story and Silence the Voices Telling You Who to Be

We encounter countless messages day-after-day from the world, those around us, and pressures in society that tell us who to be. They attempt to persuade us to follow certain paths and lifestyles. Some of those messages may come from people we trust and look after, like parents, family, coworkers, friends, or spouses. Their desires and expectations for our lives may very well be tougher to administer because we’re invested in a relationship with these individuals.    

Although we should always hearken to the smart counsel of others, not all advice is equal (Proverbs 19:20). We must weigh all things against Scripture and commit to following Jesus. In a snug, easy situation, this doesn’t seem costly. However, when relationships get messy, or conflicts of interest arise due to our commitment to Christ, we begin to experience the true cost of discipleship (Matthew 16:24-26). 

A young college graduate might feel called to function a long-term missionary overseas in an unreached area. However, the graduate’s parents or grandparents expected her or him to remain near home, get a high-paying job, and begin a family. Children should seek to honor their parents, but in this case through which Jesus calls them to follow, they should obey Him. Doing so will cause conflict within the family. We should expect conflict for the reason that Lord already spoke about this reality (see Luke 12:51-53). However, as Scripture says, “We must obey God slightly than human beings!” (Acts 5:29, NIV).    

Or consider a Christian who recently retired. The message of the world tells this individual that his or her time of activity is ended – rest and pleasure is all that retired life is about. Serving Jesus, though, has no age limit. Multiple times in Scripture, those that are older are encouraged to mentor and teach the young (Titus 2:2-8). The way they live and interact with others can have a long-lasting impact, although they’re older and can have health issues. For the believer, retirement is just not the tip. It is one other opportunity to make use of time, relationships, and other resources correctly for the glory of God.  

Committing to living in obedience to Christ will prove difficult at times. We cannot live the story our Savior intends for us, though, if we ignore Him and chase after the approval of competing voices.  

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