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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Top 6 Marriage Do’s and Don’ts

Communication is significant in any relationship, including marriage. Through discussions, a husband and wife can convey their thoughts, feelings, and desires to the opposite. For marriage to work, each individuals should be willing to talk and listen. 

In the realm of marriage communication, lively listening holds a major role. It’s not nearly hearing the words but truly understanding the message being conveyed. As the Bible advises, “Everyone needs to be quick to listen, slow to talk and slow to change into indignant” (James 1:19, NIV). By embracing this wisdom, couples can transform their conversations into more meaningful exchanges, fostering a deeper understanding and empathy.  

Another crucial aspect of effective marriage communication is the practice of self-control, particularly in managing anger. It’s common for spouses to feel wronged or misunderstood during discussions, which may easily escalate into arguments. However, by exercising self-control and selecting to listen, couples can shift the main focus from anger to understanding, thereby fostering a healthier and more respectful communication environment.  

Doing this takes discipline and wisdom, nevertheless it is value it to develop and maintain healthy relationships (see Proverbs 16:32). Taking time to listen and avoid anger can also be sensible for the reason that sensible person seeks to manage his or her tongue and maintain calmness (Proverbs 17:27). Individuals will find that by practicing this, their marriage and relationship with Christ will grow.  

Photo Credit: ©Pexels/Timur Weber

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