The trendy “tradwife” movement. What’s this all about, really? The term trad wife, which denotes the view of a standard wife with traditional values, was originally displayed about six years ago when several millennial and zoomer housewives took to social media and showcased their idealistic, domesticated lifestyles.
These young ladies began to glamorize the enduring All-American Nineteen Fifties woman as they posted pictures donning the classic fit and flare dress with attached apron and pump high highs. Whether they’re placing meals on the table for his or her family with a glistening smile, vacuuming their immaculate homes, or greeting their husbands at the tip of the day with a passionate kiss, the message is to showcase traditional gender roles and the culture of that nostalgic time era. In the time when men were the only real breadwinners and providers, women stayed home and were caretakers.
According to Estee Williams, a 25-year-old trad wife and TikTok influencer who inspires women find out how to cook, clean, and maintain beauty for his or her husbands, “a tradwife submits to her husband and serves her family. This concept will not be degrading or considered to be of lesser value than him. This is more common with traditional Christians.” Many of her recent videos share find out how to discover a masculine man and dish out advice for top school girls who’re questioning and wanting to learn more about her “old skool” lifestyle.
@esteecwilliams What it means to be a Tradwife. #fyp #tradwife #homemaking #housewife #traditional #tradwifecontroversy #womenschoice ♬ Music Instrument – Gerhard Siagian
While this idea continues to grow and gain momentum on nearly every social media platform, gaining traction, it is obvious that a younger generation of girls is in search of men who will lead, provide, and protect them (Ephesians 5: 25-33). However, this movement hasn’t come and not using a spark of controversy, even among the many faith-based circles.
How should we reply to this tradwife movement through a Biblical lens?
The phenomenon of a standard, simpler, and older lifestyle is nothing latest. After all, it’s the cycle of life as families pass down their traditions to their children. It is common for youngsters to tackle a few of those customs and part ways with others, perhaps starting something latest. This is where we see old-fashioned ethics and latest terms like “trad wife” come into play.
However, these homemade definitions aren’t synonymous with the Biblical housewife portrayed in Proverbs 31 or Titus 2. Where the tradwife focuses on some Biblical views, it completely misses the mark on others. While there are distinct gender roles noted in God’s Word, we’re all called to undergo Christ, at the start (James 4:7), after which to 1 one other in marriage (Ephesians 5:21).
Where a tradwife focuses on outward appearances and the authority of her husband, Biblical womanhood encourages marriage to be rooted in faith and glorify God – together. Marriage is a servanthood where a husband is named to like his wife as Christ did the church, and a wife is named to undergo her husband in order that he can lead in confidence. There is mutual love, respect, and honor (Ephesians 5:21-33).
The Proverbs 31 woman seeks after God’s heart (Mark 12:30), embraces her role as mother and wife, cares for her feminine beauty (1 Peter 3:3-4), is a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:6-8), serves with a gracious heart, and walks with purpose, in search of God’s will and way for her life. This could mean working in or outside of the house.
Titus 2 is mostly an older (wiser) woman who’s portrayed as a job model and mentor for young ladies, training them to trust God and walk in obedience. They share the true meaning behind submission, which is to walk with dignity and beauty, honoring God’s design for marriage and inspiring young wives to serve and love their husbands and families with compassion.
Like with any cultural trend, we have to be careful to not be swept away by all its enticing and enamoring effects and decide to seek God’s will and way for our lives by digging into His Word and in search of Truth. The great thing about God’s Word is that it never changes (Psalm 119:89, Isaiah 40:8, Malachi 3:6). In a world that’s endlessly evolving, His Word stays the identical. We can count on that—it’s a promise!
Photo Courtesy: ©Getty Images/Alexandra Girard
Video Courtesy: esteecwilliams via TikTok