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Friday, March 14, 2025

Be Faithful in Small Things

During a women’s coffee for the crusade, my pastor’s wife, Uldine Bisagno, decided I might be of useful service coordinating the brand new ministry to women at our church. At this time, there have been few positions of this nature. I had no idea what could be involved. I used to be not a fan of tea parties or retreats, but she encouraged me to hunt the Lord. Again, I heard the identical words in my heart: “Do you’ve got another offers?” Again, I knew I must be faithful to what I used to be given. I even have to admit, I still desired to see the world come to Christ. Through the trials and the hardships, God honored my faithful service and inside a short while I used to be a full-time “Minister of Evangelism, Women and Prayer” at Houston’s First Baptist Church serving under the charismatic leader, John Bisagno.

Faithful With Small Things

“Faithful with small” became my mantra as God continued to open doors and increase my influence from mega-church staff to a national position of “Women’s Evangelism Strategist” on the North American Mission Board after which to “Director of Women’s Leadership” and “Adjunct Professor at Southern Seminary.” Today, I’m blessed to serve the Lord through my ministry board. Anyone who knows me realizes that it has not been easy, but as I even have been faithful with the small things, God has proven His faithfulness repeatedly.

In Matthew 25:14-31, we read the parable of the lads who were entrusted with talents (or money). One was given five talents, traded them and doubled what he had; one was given two talents and gained two more; however the one with one talent dug a hole in the bottom and hid his master’s money. To the primary two, the master spoke these words, “Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a couple of things, I’ll put you answerable for many things, enter into the enjoyment of your master” (Matthew 25:21 and Matthew 25:23). In verses Matthew 25:24-28, you’ll be able to read what he said to the one who buried his money, but we see the conclusion in verse 29, “For to everyone who has, more shall be given, and he can have an abundance; but from the one who doesn’t have, even what he does have shall be taken away.” While this parable is a direction reference to money, we can even apply the biblical concept to other areas of our lives. God rewards those that are faithful with the small things and faithful in that which they’ve been given.

We might need we were in several jobs, want more influence or feel that nobody knows or understands us. We can know that God sees our faithful service and can reward us. He wants us to be faithful to the little things and the opportunities before us. If I would like to show at my church and the one opportunity for me is to make coffee, then I want to make the very best coffee and have it brewing early. It doesn’t mean that we mechanically get to do what we wish; it does mean that God knows where we’re gifted and after we are faithful to serve where we will, He will see (and permit others to see) and provides us much more opportunities.

While God may increase our influence, He still calls us to be faithful within the little things. We never “arrive.” Being obedient and faithful is a day by day process. Having more to administer means more responsibility. We must continually depend on Him and His strength to live our lives in faithful service.

Think about it; how are you going to be faithful today, this week, and this month? What has God asked you to do this you’ve got been putting aside? Let’s commit together to look for tactics to be faithful, no matter who notices. Let’s be faithful to serve even after we haven’t got a greater offer. We do not know what God will do, but we might be assured that He will bless us for being faithful and committed to Him. There isn’t any higher offer!

Jaye Martin is the President of Jaye Martin Ministries and lives together with her husband, Dana, in Houston, Texas. She is the creator of You are a Masterpiece, and HeartCall: Women Sharing God’s Heart.  She served as Director of Women’s Leadership at The Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky and has taught as adjunct professor and guest lecturer at several seminaries and colleges.

Visit her blog at : http://jayemartin.com. You can follow her on Twitter@jayemartin

LISTEN: The Quickest Way to an Attitude Adjustment

Have you ever found yourself in need of an attitude adjustment? If so, be encouraged, as you’ve reached essentially the most critical step in receiving one by knowing you’re in need of it. Realizing and recognizing there are fallacious attitudes in your heart and mind is the breakthrough moment to a latest attitude.

The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the speakers and don’t necessarily reflect the views or positions of Salem Web Network and Salem Media Group.

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The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the speakers and don’t necessarily reflect the views or positions of Salem Web Network and Salem Media Group.

Stock Footage & Music Courtesy of Soundstripe.com Thumbnail by Getty Images

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