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What Does it Mean That God ‘Speaks’ Through Creation?

Meaning of ‘God Speaks Through Creation’

God speaking through the creation of the natural world signifies that once we look up at the celebs or stare upon a California hill covered with wildflowers, we see the fingerprints of God. The more we fix our eyes on the wonder of creation, the more we must conclude that these items couldn’t make themselves. The intricate design of creation and the way in which the universe appears to be fine-tuned for all times declare that this couldn’t occur by likelihood. Consider the next: If the electromagnetic force in atoms were weakened by a mere 4 percent, then the sun would immediately explode (the diproton would have a certain state, which might increase the solar luminosity by an element of 1018). If it were stronger, there can be fewer stable atoms. If the protons were 0.2 percent heavier, they’d decay into neutrons unable to carry on to electrons, so there can be no stable atoms around. If the proton-to-electron mass ratio were much smaller, there might be no stable stars, and if it were much larger, there might be no ordered structures resembling crystals and DNA molecules.  

The Heavens Declare God’s Glory

God doesn’t just speak through the order and design we discover in creation but in addition through the jaw-dropping beauty that surrounds us. From something as mundane as a gaggle of vivid red cardinals sitting in a leaf-bare bush on a snowy Midwestern day to the spectacular views of nebulae in distant corners of the galaxy beamed to earth by the Hubble Space Telescope creation doesn’t just tell us that a Creator exists, but that this Creator is an artist without peer. The feelings of awe that come over us as we watch the waves pound against the rocks on the beach or hold a newborn baby for the primary time are actually God talking to us through his masterpiece. Psalm 19:1-4 puts it this manner:

The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
There isn’t any speech or language
where their voice shouldn’t be heard.
Their voice goes out into all of the earth,
their words to the ends of the world. (NIV)

The Universe’s Divine Design

While the order and fantastic thing about the universe seem like rock-solid proofs of God’s existence to believers, unbelievers find some ways to clarify them away. Physicist Max Tegmark writes extensively on the way in which our universe is fine-tuned for all times, yet he doesn’t see this fine-tuning as evidence of a Creator. Instead, he sees it as further proof of the existence of parallel universes where such fine-tuning doesn’t exist and life shouldn’t be possible. For him, the undeniable fact that we discover ourselves in a universe teeming with life isn’t any more of a miracle than checking right into a hotel and being given a room with the identical number because the 12 months of your birth. Room 1985 exists because all the opposite rooms exist. In the identical way, Tegmark believes an infinite variety of universes exist where every possible combination of physical laws rule. Some have a life while others cannot. Other scientists regard what we call beauty as nothing greater than the final result of natural selection playing out over eons of time. Bright red cardinals sit in bushes on snowy days because red feathers made the males of the species more attractive to the females. That’s why this trait became dominant in cardinals — no further reason. For those that see the hand of natural selection on the earth slightly than the fingerprints of God, beauty is solely within the eyes of the beholder. Believers may hear God’s revelation of Himself through nature, but not everyone listens.

Article excerpted from Theology: Think for Yourself What You Believe by The Navigators.  Copyright © 2006 NavPress Publishing.  All Rights Reserved.  To order copies of this book, visit the NavPress Publishing website.  Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/inigofotografia

LISTEN: Who Is God?

The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the speakers and don’t necessarily reflect the views or positions of Salem Web Network and Salem Media Group.

WATCH: If Jesus Loves Me, Why Does He Allow Bad Things to Happen?

Jesus’ presence is in all places, but waiting remains to be a part of prayer. Read more here.

Stock Footage & Music Courtesy of Soundstripe.com Thumbnail by Getty Images 

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